Saturday, September 23, 2006

2006 World Chess Championship

Going on now currently between Bulgarian Veselin Topalov and Russian Vladimir Kramnik in Elista, Kalmykia, which is a republic of Russia. To be honest, I'm personally rooting for Topalov. His play in San Luis 2005 against the top players in the world was phenomenal. The fact that Kramnik has a dry, boring playing style really isn't the reason I'm rooting against him, it's a little more of the fact that he seems to be a little arrogant. Check out to see what I mean. An expert in the art of living? That seems like a pretty extraordinary statement to me. Anyways, Game 1 Kramnik had white against Topalov. About 3 times it looked like Topalov would have been allowed to draw by repetition, but instead he declined and ended up blundering a pawn late in the game and losing. The game itself was mildly interesting, about as much as you can expect from the Queen's Gambit Accepted. But if I know Topalov, he'll come back fighting and we'll get to see some real chess. I might even do a little of my own commentary and analysis if I feel inclined.

For the official website, visit


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